Payment Options

Pay Online

To avoid non-refundable late payment fees, online payments must be processed by the appropriate due date. We recommend you use a laptop or desktop computer when making online payments. Mobile and tablet devices are not recommended.

For technology, including assistance with your KU Online ID or password, contact the KU IT Customer Service Center at 785-864-8080 or


An e-check is an electronic withdrawal from a checking or savings bank account (you will need your routing number and your account number). No additional fee is charged for online e-check payments unless the e-check is returned unpaid to the university. Unpaid e-checks are charged a $30.00 non-refundable fee.

Debit Card or Credit Card

VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express are valid debit/credit card transactions. There is a convenience fee of 2.95% assessed on each debit/credit card transaction. Rate will increase to 3.0% effective Mary 5, 2025.

International Payments


International students - make your payment with Flywire. The University of Kansas has partnered with Flywire to provide our international students with a secure payment gateway that simplifies the payment process. With Flywire, you can pay online from banks and countries around the world, usually in your home currency. To learn more and make your secure online payment click the link. 


University of Kansas has partnered with PayMyTuition for international tuition payments. With PayMyTuition, you can pay your tuition payments from any bank, in any country, in any currency at better-than-bank exchange rates. PayMyTuition is fast, simple, and cost effective and offers numerous payment options such as local bank transfers, credit cards, and eWallets. For more information on PayMyTuition and how to make a payment, please click here


Bank Wire Transfer Convera

Payments made by bank wire transfer via Convera (fka Western Union) will be reflected on your student account upon receipt of the wired funds. When paying in an accepted international currency, you will be able to lock in your exchange rate for 72 hours. Students and payment delegates electing the wire payment method and selecting U.S. Dollars as their currency option, regardless of the country of origin, will be assessed a non-refundable service fee of $20. 


Pay by Mail

Send the bottom portion of the bill along with payment to:

University of Kansas

WS #40

PO Box 413084

Kansas City, MO 64141

Make check or money order payable to University of Kansas. Please include the student KUID# on all check or money order.

  • To avoid non-refundable late payment fees, your payment must be received by the due date. Please allow appropriate mailing time so that your payment is received by the due date.
  • Student Accounts and Receivables does not accept post-dated checks.
  • All payments will apply to the oldest charges first. You cannot select the charges to pay.

Please send outside scholarship checks from donors to KU Financial Aid & Scholarships:

University of Kansas Financial Aid & Scholarships
1502 Iowa St.
Lawrence, KS 66045

Pay in Person

The payment drop box is located on the Lawrence campus bon the loading dock on the east side of Carruth O'Leary.

  • Drop box payments can be made with check or money order.
  • Please put your payment inside of an envelope, and include your name and KUID number with your payment.
  • Student Accounts and Receivables does not accept post-dated checks.
  • We do not accept cash for student account payments. Credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) must be made online.

To avoid non-refundable late payment fees, your payment must be received by the due date.

529 Plans

Please visit your 529 plan’s website to see what they require you to submit when you request payment, as all 529 plans have different forms and request different documents. If the plan requires a copy of the bill, you can print one in Enroll & Pay:

  1. Log in to Enroll and Pay
  2. Select Student Financials tile
  3. Select Account Services
  4. Select Print or View a Bill

If information about charges is needed before the official bill is produced:

  1. Log in to Enroll and Pay
  2. Select Student Financials tile
  3. Select Charges Due
  4. Select Detail of Charges Due

Payments are due on September 15 for the Fall semester, February 15 for the Spring semester, and June 15 for the Summer semester.

529 plans will submit payment directly to the University of Kansas at:

University of Kansas
Student Accounts & Receivables
1246 West Campus Road, Room 20
Lawrence, KS 66045

Monitor your Enroll and Pay account to ensure the 529 payment you requested is posted and in the amount requested.

Returned Checks

Deposited checks that do not clear the bank will be returned to Student Accounts and Receivables. Student Accounts and Receivables will either begin collection activity on the bad check or return the check to the appropriate department for their collection. A "no check" indicator will be placed on the student's account indefinitely. Students will be charged $30.00 for each check, draft, money order or other payment instrument which fails to clear the financial institution upon which the instrument is drawn. The University reserves the right to require payment by credit card, money order or cashier's check for settlement of a debt after the initial payment has been dishonored.